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We offer a wide selection of different finishes to customize your shells. 
Our finishes are divided in 4 price groups. Depending on the labour intensity the price will go up. Below are some samples of wraps, veneers and acrylics. We can also laquer, burst, wheather, hand paint or custom print your shells with your provided artwork. The only limitation is your imagination and budget, really. If you don't see what you want, get in touch!








We mix & sample every color to order.

All stains are sealed with either a satin (satin stain) or high-gloss (high-gloss stain) laquer depending on your preference. Stained shells can also be bursted (faded) with a second color.


We work with multiple suppliers to source the right veneer for your project. It's of big importance to us to search for and only purchase sustainably grown and certified woods.

All veneered shells are sealed with either a satin (satin veneer) or high-gloss (high-gloss veneer) laquer depending on your preference.
Some veneers can be stained in different colors, some can't.


Paintjobs on your shells can be anything from a simple solid flat-white to the wildest custom artwork. We move within the NCS and RAL systems, giving you the freedom to choose any color you might like. 


More colors & Patterns available.

Custom Wraps

Finish Upgrades

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